World Credit Organization【WCO】|International Moral Court【IMC】|World Credit Organization【WIO】Registration Certificate-World Credit Organization

Welcome,! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization (WCO), the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization (WIO), and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。
The original documents of this website are written in Chinese. Our translation may not be accurate. If you know Chinese, you are advised to read the Chinese website directly.

World Credit Organization (WCO) | International Moral Court [IMC] | World Integrity Organization (WIO) registration certificate

Special note: This webpage introduces the method steps of registration certificate inquiry and the login path of relevant government inquiry webpages. Note: The login path of the government query web page may change, and the query method steps may also change. If you find any problems during the query process, please let us know.

1. Delaware State Registration Query:

Enter the website of the State of Delaware, the specific link Conclusion:

After entering, click the Menu in the upper right corner, then click: Business Services, then click: Delaware Entity Status Lookup (Delaware Entity Status Lookup)

1.1 World Credit Organization (WCO), enter the registration number: 5726815 or name: World Credit Organization, or name: World Credit Organization corp, click: search, you can

1.2 World Integrity Organization (WIO), enter the registration number: 3170765 or name: World Integrity Organization, or name: World Integrity Organization corp, click: search, you can

1.3 International Moral Court [IMC], enter the registration number: 3216091 or the name: International Moral Court, or the name: International Moral Court corp, click: search, you can

Second, New Brunswick, Canada registration query:

Enter the government website of New Brunswick, Canada, specific link:

After entering, click "For Business" above, then click: Corporate Registry (company registry), then click: Search Corporate Registry (company registry search), then click: "SEARCH BY BUSINESS NUMBER I Agree to the Terms and Conditions, PROCEED TO SEARCH.”

2.1 World Credit Organization (WCO), enter the number in the Reference Number: 722576 or in the keyword search, enter the name: World Credit Organization, click: search, you can

2.2 World Integrity Organization (WIO), enter the number in the Reference Number: 722578 or in the keyword search, enter the name: World Integrity Organization, click: search, you can

2.3 International Moral Court [IMC], enter the number in the Reference Number: 722575 or in the keyword search, enter the name: International Moral Court, click: search, you can

2.4 International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC], enter the number in the Reference Number: 722574 or in the keyword search, enter the name International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission, click: search, you can

3. Utah Registration Query

In May 2005, the World Credit Organization (WCO) registered in Utah, in April 2015, the World Credit Organization (WCO)'s U.S. registration was changed from Utah, U.S. to Delaware, U.S.A. For inquiries about registration status before 2015, please log on to the website of the Utah State Government: /bes/bes Enter registration number: 5918759-0142 or name: World Credit Organization corp to inquire.

Fourth, China Hong Kong Registration Query

(Note: Our Hong Kong company has stopped all activities, and the registration certificate only proves our establishment history)

(later renamed World Credit Organization Co., Ltd., company certificate does not need to be renewed every year): ID: 886057

Enquiries: Enter: csci/ Select a non-registered user, enter, then click: view, then click: company information, enter the company number: 886057, and that's it. Or: input traditional Chinese: World Credit Organization, you can.