International Moral Court and International Credit Dispute Trial Introduction-World Credit Organization

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Introduction to the International Moral Court and International Credit Dispute Trial

Important notice: The International Moral Court is an independent and purely non-governmental organization, not a state agency or government agency or semi-official organization, nor does it have any national or government background. In order to guarantee independence and neutrality, the International Moral Court does not intend to obtain the background of any country or government. At the same time, and precisely because of this, fairness and justice are the basis for the survival and development of the International Moral Court.

Dear readers, let us distinguish right from wrong, punish evil and promote good, and jointly maintain the moral foundation of mankind! We need your support!

1. The establishment and composition of the International Moral Court

The International Moral Court was established on January 16, 2010. It is a non-governmental credit dispute adjudication agency with independent legal personality established by the World Credit Organization (WCO). The International Moral Court hears all kinds of credit disputes based on the complaints and applications of the parties. The headquarters of the International Moral Court is registered in the United States and Canada, abides by and is protected by the legal system of the United States and Canada.

History of the establishment of the International Moral Court. The World Credit Organization (WCO) established the International Moral Court [IMC] on January 16, 2010 to hear all kinds of credit disputes on behalf of the World Credit Organization (WCO) based on the plaintiff's complaint. On July 9, 2020, the World Credit Organization (WCO) established the International Moral Court [IMC] with independent legal personality in Delaware, USA. On February 3, 2021, the World Credit Organization (WCO) established the International Moral Court [IMC] with independent legal personality in New Brunswick, Canada. Please click me for registration verification method

The purpose and mission of the International Moral Court: abide by and use the principle of procedural justice, resolve various disputes, maintain the moral bottom line and universal human values such as honesty, freedom, democracy, equality, fraternity, forgiveness, rewarding good and punishing evil, etc. rule.

The establishment of the International Moral Court is stipulated in the articles of association of the World Credit Organization (WCO). It is one of the three powers of the World Credit Organization (WCO). Moreover, the International Moral Court has the qualifications of an independent legal entity and independently assumes legal responsibilities to the outside world.

The International Moral Court of First Instance and the International Moral Court of Second Instance are composed of moral judges and jurors; the Supreme International Moral Court is composed of moral judges.

The President of the International Moral Court of First Instance and the President of the International Moral Court of Second Instance are elected by all moral judges. Each term is two years and may be re-elected.

The president of the Supreme International Moral Court is elected by all the ethics judges. The term of office is four years and can be re-elected.

There is no affiliation between the president, the moral judge, the moral judge, and the jurors, and they perform their duties independently.

2.8 The International Moral Court hears cases, and the moral court composed of moral judges or juries or moral judges independently hears and makes independent decisions. People have the right to monitor but not the right to intervene.

2. International Credit Dispute Trial

International Credit Dispute Trial refers to the credit service in which international moral courts hear and adjudicate disputes. It is a credit service created by the World Credit Organization (WCO) based on the common law system. The applicable standard is : "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System International Credit Dispute Trial Standards". The establishment of the International Moral Court and its trial procedures follow the principles and practices of the common law system, and refer to the relevant practices of the common law courts for matters that are not clear in the trial standards.

3. About the Jurisdiction of the International Moral Court

The International Moral Court hears cases based on the spirit of freedom of the Constitution (the Constitution grants people the freedom to maintain social justice) and the legal principle of public order and good morals (the legal principle grants people the right to maintain social justice). According to this principle, the International The moral court has the right to evaluate the behavior of any social subject based on the ascertained facts and require them to bear corresponding legal and social responsibilities. Of course, the International Moral Court should bear legal responsibility and corresponding consequences for its own unfair evaluation or wrong request.

Based on the above reasons, the International Moral Court starts the trial procedure based on the complaints and applications of the parties, stakeholders or insiders, regardless of whether the defendant responds to the lawsuit, it will not affect the application and implementation of the trial standards. If the defendant does not sue, it will increase the cost of evidence collection for the plaintiff and the trial cost of the International Moral Court, but the defendant may also lose the opportunity to prove that he has been wronged, wronged, or resolve misunderstandings, or obtain understanding or resolve conflicts.

4. Basis for the decision of the International Moral Court

Based on the facts, the International Moral Court follows the principle of universal human values, ICE8000 standards, international norms, international practices, the law of the place where the behavior occurs (or the applicable law agreed by the parties) and the contract, follows the principle of fairness and reasonableness, and upholds justice and Conscience, to rule independently and impartially.

Because the registration places of the International Moral Court are the United States and Canada, both of which are common law countries, and the ICE8000 system is also based on the common law system. Therefore, the International Moral Court abides by the principles and practices of the common law system, and refers to the relevant practices of the common law courts for matters with unclear standards.

The International Moral Court abides by and firmly maintains the principle of pursuing substantive justice with procedural justice (that is, pursuing justice with just means), and based on this principle, strives to protect the bottom line of social justice and maintain the bottom line of social morality .

5. Related ICE8000 standards

For more information about the establishment of the Moral Court and the appointment process of its members, please refer to "World Credit Organization [WCO ] Bylaws ( For more information about the trial procedure and the establishment of the moral court, please refer to 《ICE8000 International Credit Standards System International Credit Dispute Trial Standards》 "(

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