International Moral Court and International Credit Dispute Trial Introduction-World Credit Organization

Welcome,! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization (WCO), the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization (WIO), and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。
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International Court of Ethics announcement and ruling

Important notice: The International Court of Ethics is an independent and purely non-governmental organization, not a state agency or government agency or semi-official organization, nor does it have any national or government background. In order to guarantee independence and neutrality, the International Moral Court does not intend to obtain the background of any country or government. At the same time, and precisely because of this, fairness and justice are the basis for the survival and development of the International Moral Court.

Dear readers, let us distinguish right from wrong, punish evil and promote good, and jointly maintain the moral foundation of mankind! We need your support!