Introduction to Integrity Management Consulting Services-World Credit Organization

Welcome,! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization (WCO), the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization (WIO), and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。
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Introduction to Integrity Management Consulting Services

On January 15, 2010, the World Credit Organization (WCO) released the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Integrity Management Consulting Service Standard".

1. The Value of Integrity Management Consulting Services to Clients

1. Help customers protect their legitimate rights and interests by using the ICE80000 international credit standard system.

2. Help customers prevent and control various risks by using the ICE8000 international credit standard system.

3. Help customers use the ICE8000 international credit standard system to achieve sustainable development and build a century-old brand.

Second, consulting service responsibilities

The service responsibilities of ICE8000 credit agency are: to remind customers of risks, to propose solutions to customers' problems, rather than to participate in the implementation of customer affairs.

In the process of primary or intermediate consulting services, ICE8000 Credit Institution does not assist clients in performing relevant affairs, nor does it independently perform relevant affairs. If the customer requests ICE8000 credit agency to assist in the execution of a certain transaction or independently execute a certain transaction, it shall bear the corresponding expenses. If both parties agree otherwise, the agreement shall prevail.

In the process of advanced consulting services, ICE8000 credit institutions assist clients in implementing and implementing systematic integrity management systems and integrity culture construction plans. This is to discover system risks in a timely manner and propose system improvement suggestions in a timely manner. Their execution duties are limited to assisting in implementation, and Not performed independently or fully. If the customer requires ICE8000 credit institution to perform a certain transaction independently or comprehensively, it shall bear the corresponding expenses. If both parties agree otherwise, the agreement shall prevail.

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