Introduction to Credit Training-World Credit Organization

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Introduction to Credit Training

1. ICE8000 credit training mainly includes two categories, one is training for international credit practice qualifications, and the training content is international credit practice qualification textbooks. One is the internal credit management training for the organization, and the training content is determined according to the requirements of the organization and the actual situation.

2. According to the relevant standards of the ICE8000 system, the International Credit Manager [ICM] and the International Certified Credit Associate [ICA] implement a separate system of training and examination. Organization (WCO) is directly responsible. The World Credit Organization (WCO) has no right to organize training courses for credit officers, and ICE8000 credit institutions and training institutions have no right to be responsible for credit officer examinations. In this way, the interest link between training and examination is cut off by means of the system, and the implementation of examination discipline is guaranteed. At the same time, since the International Credit Administrator [ICA] is entry-level, the training and examination are not separated. Since 2013, the World Credit Organization (WCO) has granted its examination authority to the ICE8000 credit institution. For information on how to take the International Credit Qualification Examination and related matters, please log on to: International Credit Qualification Exam< /p>

3. According to the relevant documents of the World Credit Organization (WCO), the World Credit Organization (WCO) only focuses on researching credit standards and maintaining fair competition in the industry, and does not directly participate in market activities. Therefore, credit management training for non-member units, The World Credit Organization (WCO) has no right to carry out, only ICE8000 credit institutions or related training institutions can carry out.

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