Introduction to International Credit Qualification-World Credit Organization

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Introduction to International Credit Practice Qualification

Section 1 Classification of International Credit Practice Qualification

In order to promote the development of the credit evaluation industry, provide professional, neutral and fair credit services for the society, and promote the construction of credit systems and credit service levels in countries around the world, the World Credit Organization (WCO) formulates the evaluation of credit professionals according to the needs of social development standards and self-regulatory standards. International credit practice qualifications are divided into three categories: International Certified Credit Professional [ICCA], International Credit Manager [ICM] and International Credit Administrator [ICA]. Among them, International Certified Credit Professional [ICCA] and International Credit Manager [ICM] are usually Known as an international credit division. The international credit practice qualification evaluation standard is a social professional standard, and its scientificity and authority are tested by the market. The international credit practice qualification belongs to social assessment, and the international credit practice qualification certificate is a social credit professional certificate, which is generally recognized in the World Credit Organization (WCO). Credit documents issued by registered international credit practitioners are generally recognized within the World Credit Organization (WCO).

Section 2 Characteristics of International Credit Practice Qualification

1. It is purely private, and the gold content of the certificate is directly tested by the market.

International Credit Practice Qualification is a practice qualification assessed and managed by a purely non-governmental organization, the World Credit Organization (WCO). It does not have any official or semi-official background, and there is no official compulsion. The gold content of this qualification certificate depends on the direct test of the market. It is precisely because of this that the World Credit Organization (WCO) can only improve its international credit qualifications by designing scientific learning content and strict examination discipline so that the holders can acquire knowledge and abilities through learning and examinations, and enhance their values and professional ethics. The gold content of the certificate, the international credit practice qualification certificate can pass the test of the market and be recognized by the society.

Second, the knowledge structure is comprehensive and demanding, which can prove that the certificate holder is a compound talent.

International Credit Manager [ICM] and International Certified Credit Associate [ICCA] study content includes four parts: economics, law, management, and credit knowledge. Although the entry-level International Credit Administrator [ICA] does not test economics, law, and management, the credit knowledge textbook itself includes a lot of knowledge about law, management, and economics. ,

Three Equal emphasis on professional ethics and professional knowledge and ability, which can prove that the certificate holder is a talent with both ability and political integrity. If the certificate holder is dishonest, interested parties can use the ICE8000 mechanism to hold him accountable.

Those who have not obtained the ICE8000 credit card will not be able to obtain the qualification certificate no matter how good the examination results are, and if the relevant personnel have evidence to prove that the certificate holder does not have the intention of integrity (such as: serious untrustworthy behavior or malicious If the untrustworthy behavior refuses to be corrected), he has the right to request the World Credit Organization (WCO) to publicly revoke his professional qualification certificate. Practitioners who violate the self-regulation of the industry during their practice will face the highest penalty of permanent ban.

4. The eligibility requirements for the examination are scientific.

The application for international credit practice qualifications does not take academic certificates as a condition, because:

1. Embody the principle of equal opportunity, so that everyone who is willing to study hard has the opportunity to pass the assessment examination. Equal opportunity is an inherent requirement of fairness and justice. Only with equal opportunity can there be the same possibility of success.

2. It embodies the principle of seeking truth from facts. Examinations are not only a test of one's knowledge level, but also an opportunity to improve one's knowledge level, so it is necessary to be a hero regardless of the source.

5. The International Credit Manager [ICM] and the International Certified Credit Accountant [ICCA] implement a separate system of examination and training, and the examination discipline is very strict. At the same time, implement the three-separation system for test-setting personnel, training personnel, and marking personnel.

The training of International Credit Manager [ICM] and International Certified Credit Accountant [ICCA] is organized by ICE8000 credit institutions and related training institutions, and the examination is directly responsible by the World Credit Organization (WCO). The World Credit Organization (WCO) has no right to organize training courses, and ICE8000 credit institutions and training institutions have no right to be responsible for examination affairs. In this way, the interest link between training and examination is cut off by means of the system, and the implementation of examination discipline is guaranteed. Examination discipline is very serious, and there are severe punishments for cheating in the exams, and the punishments will be announced. In 2007, the World Credit Organization (WCO) once imposed a three-year ban on those who violated the test discipline. Note: In 2013, the International Credit Administrator [ICA] training and examination was authorized to ICE8000 credit agency.

In addition, the World Credit Organization (WCO) implements a three-part system for setting test personnel, training personnel, and marking personnel to prevent related moral hazards from the system.

Sixth, the implementation of the registration management system, the "International Credit Practice Qualification Certificate" and the "International Credit Practice Certificate" are managed separately.

Individuals who have passed the examination and obtained the ICE8000 credit ID card will be issued the corresponding "International Credit Practice Qualification Certificate" by the World Credit Organization (WCO) to prove that the holder has the corresponding knowledge structure, ability, integrity, and professional ethics. The "International Credit Practice Qualification Certificate" is valid for a long time (unless the owner of the certificate loses his credit identity card or is canceled by the International Moral Court), no annual inspection and continuing education are required.

Those who have the "International Credit Practice Qualification Certificate" and practice in ICE8000 credit institutions should apply to the World Credit Organization (WCO) for practice registration. After registration, the World Credit Organization (WCO) will issue the "International Credit Practice Certificate" to them. WCO] tests the intermittent learning of practitioners on an annual basis, and implements annual inspections on the "International Credit Practice Certificate" to ensure that the knowledge, ability and professional ethics of the licensees meet the standards. The certificate holder should take the continuing study examination held by the World Credit Organization (WCO), and take the initiative to participate in the certificate annual inspection, otherwise, the certificate will automatically become invalid.

Section 3 The difference between the three types of qualifications.

The assessment standards of International Credit Manager [ICM], International Credit Administrator [ICA] and International Certified Credit Accountant [ICCA] are consistent in terms of professional ethics and practice management, and in terms of breadth and depth of knowledge requirements vary. The International Certified Credit Accountant [ICCA] is positioned at the highest end, the International Credit Manager [ICM] is positioned at the middle level, and the International Credit Administrator [ICA] is positioned at the entry level. The difference between the three is as follows:

Credit practice qualification Credit Knowledge Ability Test Requirements Legal knowledge test requirements Economic Knowledge Exam Requirements

Management Knowledge Exam Requirements

How to pass the exam Examination party
International Certified Credit Adviser [ICCA] high higher higher higher Single subject pass system, pass within 5 years World Credit Organization (WCO)
International Credit Manager [ICM] higher General General General one pass World Credit Organization (WCO)
International Credit Administrator [ICA] General does not test does not test does not test one pass ICE8000 Credit Agency

The above content is excerpted from: "Building an Integrity Unit——Risk Control and Integrity Management" (by Fang Bangjian)

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