FAQ about Honor Roll - World Credit Organization

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FAQ about Honor Roll

1. How to apply for adding honor roll information

source condition Add method
(1) Touching deeds reported by the media;

(2) Commendations from state agencies;

(3) Information that meets the conditions specified in items (1) and (2) submitted by interested parties to the World Credit Organization [WCO], but it is difficult for the World Credit Organization [WCO] to verify the authenticity of its source , identified as honor roll information (secret) whose source authenticity has not been verified


Download: "Instructions for Adding ICE8000 Honor Roll Information Application"

1. State organs, social organizations, and news media can directly add honor list information according to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System State Organs, News Media, and Social Organization Credit Information Release Standards".

According to the authorization of the World Credit Organization [WCO], the staff of the World Credit Organization [WCO], ICE8000 credit institutions, and volunteers will directly add the honor roll information after the formal review of the honor roll information.

2. Interested persons of honor roll information can apply for adding honor roll information according to the following procedures:

(1) The applicant writes the "Application for Adding Honor Roll Information", and prepares a photocopy of the honor roll information.

(2) Through the ICE8000 integrity management software, send the "Application for Adding Honor Roll Information" and photocopies of the honor roll information to the World Credit Organization [WCO].

(3) After receiving it, the World Credit Organization [WCO] records it as "honor list information (secret) whose source authenticity has not been verified", and then conducts a formal review. If the form is qualified and the source is true, it will be added to the corresponding honor list according to the source conditions information database; if it is difficult for the World Credit Organization [WCO] to verify the authenticity of its source, it will still be recorded as "honor list information (secret) whose source authenticity has not been verified"; if the World Credit Organization [WCO] finds that the source is untrue, immediately be deleted.

2. The review of the application by the World Credit Organization [WCO]

1. After receiving the "Application for Adding Honor Roll Information" and related materials, the World Credit Organization [WCO] records it as "Honor Roll Information (Secret) whose source authenticity has not been verified", and then conducts a formal review. If the form is qualified and the source is true, it will be added to the corresponding honor list information database according to the source conditions; if it is difficult for the World Credit Organization [WCO] to verify the authenticity of its source, it will still be recorded as "honor list information whose source authenticity has not been verified (secret )”; if the World Credit Organization [WCO] finds that the source is untrue, it will be deleted immediately.

2. The World Credit Organization [WCO]'s review of the "Application for Adding Honor Roll Information" and related materials is a formal review. It only reviews whether the form of information is qualified and whether the source is true, not the authenticity of the information itself. gender is reviewed. For example: the World Credit Organization [WCO] receives a commendation announcement issued by a state agency, and the World Credit Organization [WCO] only checks whether the commendation announcement is indeed issued by the signing unit. As for whether there is an error, the World Credit Organization [WCO] does not conduct a review . Another example: the World Credit Organization [WCO] receives a news report, and the World Credit Organization [WCO] only examines whether the news report is indeed published by the signed media. As for whether there is an error in the news report, the World Credit Organization [WCO] does not conduct review. In addition, the World Credit Organization [WCO] also reviews whether its applicants have made a statement of the terms of the Oath of Conscience.

3. Recognition of Honorary Certificate

According to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Honor List Information Management Standard", the honor certificates issued by various social organizations can be applied for recognition by the organization to the World Credit Organization [WCO] according to the following procedures:

(1) Submit the accreditation application to the World Credit Organization [WCO], the standards for issuing honorary certificates, the brief introduction and registration certificate of the applicant unit, the ID card of the legal representative, and the copy of the ID card of the person in charge (the copy should include the unit and the manager The official seal and signature of the person responsible, the time of copying, and the words "reproduced without error" and "only for ICE8000 honor roll recognition application"), and promise to abide by this standard and declare the terms of the oath of conscience;

< p> (2) The World Credit Organization [WCO] organizes relevant experts to conduct demonstration and review;

(3) If the standards are scientific and legal, an accreditation notice and accreditation certificate will be issued, and an announcement will be made; if the review fails, a notice of non-accreditation or suspension of accreditation will be issued, and reasons and suggestions will be put forward.

Fourth, revocation of approval

According to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Honor Roll Information Management Standard":

the If the social organization whose honorary certificate is recognized by the World Credit Organization [WCO] fails to issue or manage the honorary certificate according to the standards submitted when applying for recognition, the World Credit Organization [WCO] will announce the revocation of the accreditation certificate.

Social organizations that defraud the World Credit Organization [WCO] (to issue honorary certificates) through false certification materials or other means shall bear strict responsibilities according to the ICE8000 standard.

V. Interpretation

1. The focus of scientific review: whether the procedure is open and transparent, and whether the procedure can guarantee the fairness and fairness of the result.

2. If the recognition is obtained fraudulently or the certificate of honor is not managed according to the standard of recognition, the certificate of recognition will be cancelled, and the relevant units and personnel will be held accountable.

6. Precautions for raising objections to honor roll information

1. If there is evidence to prove that the information on the Honor Roll is partially inaccurate, or there are obvious reasons and evidence to prove that the information on the Honor Roll may be wrong, you can apply for an objection, and the World Credit Organization [WCO] will add relevant evidence or reasons Go below the Honor Roll information for public reference.

2. The World Credit Organization [WCO] only accepts the application materials for posting the honor list information objection, and does not accept applications by fax or email.

3. The World Credit Organization [WCO] will check the proof materials with the source party by letter, telephone, fax, etc. After checking, if it is found to be false, it will restore the original deleted honor roll information and object to the information, and issue a complaint to the relevant units and their statutory Public exposure or joint exposure by representatives and managers.

Download: "Operation Instructions for ICE8000 Honor Roll Information Deletion and Objection Addition Application"

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