Contents, procedures and results of advertising credit evaluation-World Credit Organization

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Contents, procedures and results of advertising credit evaluation

1What is the content of ICE8000 advertising credit evaluation?

Answer: ICE8000 advertising credit evaluation includes the following four parts.

The first part, whether the subject is legal or not, the main evaluation:

1. Whether the registration certificate of the advertiser is legal and authentic;

2. Whether the identity of the legal representative and the identity of the person in charge are true;

3. Whether the advertiser is qualified to operate the goods and services advertised in the advertisement.

The second part, whether the content is legal or not, the main evaluation:

1. Whether the advertisement content violates the prohibitive provisions of laws and regulations;

2. Whether the content of the advertisement violates the prohibitive provisions of regulatory documents such as administrative regulations (the document is not in conflict with laws and regulations and is valid).

The third part, whether there are obvious flaws, the main evaluation:

1. Whether there are obvious exaggerated and unrealizable contents in the advertisement content;

2. Whether there are obvious violations of social morality and social ethics in the advertisement content;

3. Whether the advertising content can be verified or falsified (the advertising content that can be falsified cannot pass the credit evaluation).

The fourth part, whether it is supervisable and credible and punitive, the main evaluation:

1. Whether the advertiser has committed to the CS terms;

2. Whether the promised CS terms are valid;

3. Whether the advertiser has set up a complaint hotline.

Second, the procedure of advertising credit evaluation?

Answer: The first step is to submit an application for advertising credit evaluation, and provide the credit code of the parties to the contract, the credit code of the handler, and a copy of the advertising sample (Note: the official seal should be stamped on the copy and approved by the agency. Signature of the person in charge, and indicate the words "checked with the original, only use ICE8000"), and pay the service fee at the same time;

Second step, the ICE8000 credit agency appoints international credit practitioners as responsible persons to conduct credit evaluation on advertisements (of course including verification and falsification investigation and testing of advertisement content);

The third step is to notify the applicant of the results of advertising credit evaluation to the association.

In order to ensure the objectivity of advertising credit evaluation, no matter whether the advertisement passes the credit evaluation or not, the service fee will not be refunded.

3. Results of ICE8000 Advertising Credit Evaluation?

Answer: 1. If the advertisements all meet the requirements of the above four parts, in order to pass the advertising credit evaluation, the ICE8000 credit agency will file with the association, obtain the advertising credit filing number, and issue a notice of passing the advertising credit evaluation;

< p> 2. If the advertisement does not meet all the requirements of the above four parts, it is considered as having failed the advertisement credit evaluation, and the ICE8000 credit institution shall issue a notice of failing the advertisement credit evaluation, and the matters and reasons for failing the evaluation shall be indicated in the notice.

The above content is excerpted from: "Building an Integrity Unit-Risk Control and Integrity Management" (by Fang Bangjian)

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