2011 List of Integrity Contributing Media and Journalists - World Credit Organization

Welcome,ice8000.org! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: www.ice8000.org. Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization (WCO), the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization (WIO), and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。
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2011 List of Integrity Contributing Media and Journalists

They have practiced the values of integrity with their actions. They are the backbone of promoting social progress and ensuring human well-being! We all benefit directly or indirectly from it!

2011 China Integrity Contribution Media and Journalist Public Dissent Announcement

"2011 China Integrity Contribution Media and Journalist Evaluation Report (Dissented Publication Version)" has been compiled and is now publicized on May 11, 2012, and the public objection period is until August 11, 2012.

Public objection method, please log in: https://www.ice8000.org/aenhw/999/5.html, submit objection information.

Download the word version: "2011 China Integrity Contribution Media and Journalist Evaluation Report (public objection version)"

Attachments: Limitation Statement, Copyright Statement, 2011 China Integrity Contributing Media and Journalist List (Public Objection Version)

Special announcement!

World Credit Organization (WCO)

May 11, 2012

I. Statement of limitations

1. The credit information based on the evaluation is the credit information of the ICE8000 public credit information database. Although we have been trying our best to collect the credit information released by the media, the ICE8000 public credit information database can only be part of the credit information released by the media. However, what can be guaranteed is: we are fair to every media, we will not favor any media, nor will we deliberately block any media.

2. Because TV works are not easy to collect, save and retrieve, TV works that have not been transformed into written works have not been found and included in the ICE8000 credit information database, which makes it difficult for some TV stations to obtain honorary titles. Here, we also recommend that the TV station make the text version of the credit information public, so as to facilitate the preservation and retrieval of credit information.

3. Discovering and identifying honest and contributing media and journalists is a very heavy workload, and it also requires great care. We are not capable of finding all media and journalists who meet the standards. The media and journalists who meet the evaluation criteria but have not received honorary titles, please give me your understanding.

4. Although we have worked very hard, there must be deficiencies in our evaluation standards and our work. We need to continue to improve in our work, and we also hope that people from all walks of life can provide criticism.

5. In view of our evaluation standards, some improvements may be made every year, so the evaluation standards of each year are not completely consistent, which may cause confusion to readers when reading each annual report. Please pay attention and understand.

6. The counting of credit information is done by a computer program. Since the computer program cannot identify the substantial duplication of the information content, the duplication counting occurs when the cited information appears. For example: There is a sentence in Media A. According to Media B’s report, a certain company was investigated by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for selling expired food. When the computer counts the number of information, it will regard the information as the information of A medium and the information of B medium.

World Credit Organization (WCO)

May 11, 2012

2. Copyright Statement

The copyright of this report belongs to the World Credit Organization (WCO). Any unit or individual can use it for study, research, self-use, reprint, or freely quote, adapt, learn from, and refer to on the premise of indicating or declaring the source, but It is not allowed to be used for commercial purposes without permission, and plagiarism or plagiarism in disguise is not allowed. Otherwise, we will jointly expose the infringing unit, individual and related personnel after the investigation of the infringement facts (issue a credit arrest warrant to the society), And reserves the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

World Credit Organization (WCO)

May 11, 2012

3. 2011 Media List of Integrity Contributions (Dissented Publication Version)


media name

Number of articles selected into ICE8000 Public Credit Information Library from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011

Credit code




E-HW00167825< /p>


China Youth Daily


E-QN00038950< /p>


China News Network


E-XW00127510< /p>


People's Daily


E-RB00038805< /p>


Legal Daily


E-RB00037485< /p>


Qilu Evening News




New Beijing News


E-JB00169760< /p>


Beijing Evening News


E-WB00072765< /p>


Nanfang Daily


E-RB00037490< /p>


Guangzhou Daily


E-RB00037475< /p>


Jinghua Times


E-SB00410530< /p>


China Broadcasting Network


E-GB00116450< /p>


Beijing Morning News


E-CB00095630< /p>


Yangtze Evening News


E-WB00072756< /p>


Yangcheng Evening News


E-WB00072830< /p>


Guangming Daily


E-RB00037570< /p>


Southern Weekend


E-ZM00145340< /p>


Economic Information


E-CK00047570< /p>


Worker's Daily


E-RB00037456< /p>


Qianjiang Evening News


E-WB00072885< /p>

< div align="center">4. 2011 List of Integrity Contributing Journalists (Public Dissent Version)