Introduction to Integrity Certification-World Credit Organization

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Introduction to Integrity Certification

ICE8000 credit certification is an innovative credit service of the World Credit Organization (WCO), also known as ICE8000 international integrity certification, ICE8000 integrity certification, ICE8000 certification, ICE8000 integrity assessment. According to the identity of the applicant, the applicable standards for credit certification are: "ICE8000 Unit Credit Certification and Supervision Standards" (; "ICE8000 Personal Credit Certification and Supervision Standards" (; "ICE8000 Regional Credit Certification and Supervision Standards" (

1. Certification classification

Credit certification is divided into honorary title certification and integrity management system certification. The honorary title certification is mainly to evaluate the integrity and willingness of the unit. Integrity management system certification is mainly to evaluate the operation of the unit's ICE8000 international integrity management system. However, since this type of certification has not yet been recognized by CNCA in China, the World Credit Organization (WCO) requires domestic ICE8000 credit institutions not to carry out this business in China. The main work carried out in China is the certification of honorary titles.

2.Classification of honorary title certification

The following introduces the certification of honorary titles. Honorary titles include the following categories:

1. Integrity commitment star units, individuals, regions. This honorary title means that the certified party has committed to abide by the ICE8000 international credit standard system and has the subjective desire of integrity. Since the cost of breach of trust increases after committing to abide by the ICE8000 international credit standard system, this commitment proves to a certain extent that it has a higher willingness to be honest. However, whether this subjective desire is true, reliable and long-lasting still needs to be verified objectively.

2. Integrity hope star units, individuals, regions. This honorary title means that the certified party hopes to be honest and is willing to set an example to bring hope of integrity to others and the society. It also means that the certified party has passed at least three years of integrity accumulation and social inspection, and has been promoted from an integrity commitment star to an integrity hope star, which can objectively bring integrity hope to others and the society.

3. Integrity Venus units, individuals, regions. This honorary title means that the certified party has shown to a certain extent that it has a strong will to be honest, and that its quality of pursuing integrity is just like a star that guides others and society. Only when the certified party has passed at least nine years of integrity accumulation and social inspection can he be promoted from integrity commitment star, integrity hope star to integrity morning star in turn.

4. Integrity star units, individuals, regions. This honorary title means that the certified party has shown that it has a strong willingness to be honest, and its quality of pursuing integrity is just like a star that guides others and the society. Social depth inspection over a long period of time (at least eighteen years). Only when the certified party has passed at least 18 years of integrity accumulation and social inspection can he be promoted from integrity commitment star, integrity hope star, and integrity morning star to integrity light star in turn.

The above four honorary titles can be collectively referred to as [established trust organization]. According to the standard, maintaining the above honorary titles requires maintaining the membership of the World Credit Organization (WCO) at the same time, so [the established trust organization] and the membership of the World Credit Organization (WCO) are equivalent concepts.

Three, the characteristics of integrity certification

1. It does not put forward specific performance and technical index requirements for the organization's products and services, but requires the organization to be responsible to customers and the society for the quality and defects of products and services. Honesty and credit, not to deceive and mislead customers.

2. It only pays limited attention to the credit performance of the organization before passing the evaluation, and it mainly focuses on the credit performance of the organization after passing the evaluation or rating, and records it passively, dynamically and faithfully.

3. The organization's stakeholders directly evaluate and supervise the organization's credit performance. Stakeholders are units and individuals that have various direct interest relations with the organization. They are the first to understand the credit status of an organization. Evaluate and monitor.

4. It has scientific supervision methods and quick and severe punishment measures. It not only establishes credit standards, but also establishes identification methods and responsibilities for violations of credit standards. If the organization violates the principle of good faith and causes the interests of interested parties to be damaged, then the interested parties can make public complaints or public exposure very conveniently.

5. It is also a credit establishment mechanism, risk prevention mechanism, dispute resolution mechanism, crisis management and information communication mechanism, integrity asset accumulation mechanism, social responsibility and professional ethics protection mechanism. The trustworthiness mechanism will improve and guarantee the credibility of the organization; the risk prevention mechanism will help the organization prevent various internal and external risks; the dispute resolution mechanism provides a convenient and low-cost method for the organization to resolve various disputes; crisis management and The information communication mechanism enables the organization to obtain all kinds of complaints and suggestions in a timely manner, bringing opportunities for improvement and development to the organization; the integrity asset accumulation mechanism enables honest people to accumulate integrity intangible assets, so that honest people can benefit for a long time by insisting on integrity; social responsibility and The professional ethics guarantee mechanism can ensure that the organization assumes social responsibility, the leadership team has a sense of social responsibility, and organizes employees to abide by professional ethics. The organization assumes social responsibility, the leadership team has a sense of social responsibility, and organizes employees to abide by professional ethics. It is also a necessary condition for an organization to grow bigger, stronger, and longer.

The above content is excerpted from: "Building an Integrity Unit——Risk Control and Integrity Management" (by Fang Bangjian)

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