Introduction to ICE8000 Unit Credit File - World Credit Organization

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Introduction to ICE8000 Unit Credit File

As the setter of international credit standards and the founder of the international social credit system, the World Credit Organization (WCO) establishes unit credit files for all units it finds globally, and assigns unique identification The credit code is convenient for people to conduct credit evaluation and credit supervision on the unit. Since 2004, the World Credit Organization (WCO) has established unit credit files for more than 15 million enterprises, institutions and state agencies in China.

For units with integrity intentions, ICE8000 unit credit files are tools and carriers for accumulating unit integrity records. For units that do not have the will to be honest, the ICE8000 unit credit file is a tool and carrier for its stakeholders to monitor, prevent and punish them for engaging in untrustworthy behavior. This is why some units welcome and some units hate ICE8000 unit credit files, but no matter whether the filing unit welcomes or hates ICE8000 credit files, ICE8000 credit files will exist objectively and will not be deleted. The era of globalization of credit records has already existed objectively .

According to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Unit Credit File Management Standard", the information content and source of the unit credit file:

(1) Unit identity information: including unit name, domicile, registered capital, business scope, business license, date of establishment, names of senior personnel, and credit codes.

(2) Contact information: contact information of the unit, contact person and other information.

(3) Fast credit evaluation information: provided by people according to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Fast Credit Evaluation Standard".

(4) Public complaint information: provided by the interested parties of the archives unit according to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Public Complaint Standard".

(5) Blacklist information: Provided by the interested parties of the archiving unit in accordance with "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Internal Exposure Standards" and "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Public Exposure Standards" or by the World Credit Organization (WCO) in accordance with "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Standard System Blacklist Information Management Standard" is provided.

(6) Integrity points: calculated by the World Credit Organization (WCO) in accordance with the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Integrity Point Standard".

(7) Internal complaint information: provided by the interested parties of the archives unit in accordance with the "Internal Complaint Standards of ICE8000 International Credit Standard System".

(8) Credit early warning information: provided by the interested parties of the archives unit in accordance with the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Credit Early Warning Standard".

(9) Honor Roll Information: The positive credit records belonging to the archives unit are generated in accordance with the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Honor Roll Information Management Standard".

(10) Commendation information: The positive credit records belonging to the archival unit shall be provided by the interested parties of the archival unit in accordance with the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Commendation Standard".

(11) Other relevant materials filed or disclosed by the unit.

(12) Other credit records with legal sources and content.

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