World Credit Organization [WCO] Supervision of Members-World Credit Organization

Welcome,! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization [WCO], the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization [WIO], and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。

8.7 ICE8000 International Credit Agency

Explanation of terms: ICE8000 credit institution, also known as ICE8000 international credit institution or World Credit Organization [WCO] member credit institution, refers to a credit institution that meets the requirements of the ICE8000 international credit standard system in terms of knowledge structure, work ability, and professional ethics, and has won the world credit rating. Credit organization [WCO] certification, in credit evaluation and other credit practice work, has the right and obligation to abide by the ICE8000 international credit standard system standards, to prevent various credit companies and other credit practitioners from abusing credit evaluation and other rights or damaging the legitimate rights and interests of others. ICE8000 credit institution is a member unit of the World Credit Organization [WCO], not a branch, representative agency, agency, or subordinate institution of the World Credit Organization [WCO]. According to the business scope of ICE8000 credit institutions, ICE8000 credit institutions can also be called ICE8000 credit investigation institutions, ICE8000 Lixin institutions, ICE8000 training institutions, and ICE8000 management consulting institutions.

The certification and management of ICE8000 credit institutions, applicable: "ICE8000 Credit Institutions Self-discipline and Supervision Standards" (

1. Conditions for becoming an ICE8000 international credit institution

(1) Promise to abide by the ICE8000 international credit standard system standard;

(2) Promise to accept the supervision of the World Credit Organization [WCO];

(3) Have more than three international credit practitioners (Note: International credit practitioners refer to International Credit Administrator [ICA], International Credit Manager [ICM], International Certified Credit Accountant [ICCA]); < /p>

(4) Has become a group member of the World Credit Organization [WCO];

(5) Credit companies and other various units established in accordance with the laws of the country where they are located (Note: including branches authorized by the head office; if the business scope does not include the corresponding business, the business scope should be determined after becoming an ICE8000 credit institution changes);

(6) All employees and managers (especially non-executive directors, non-executive supervisors and other part-time high-level personnel) have all obtained the status of international credit practitioners;

(7) All employees and managers of natural person agents or legal person agents have obtained the status of international credit practitioners;

(8) All non-employee shareholders and all non-employee shareholders represented by legal persons shall obtain ICE8000 credit ID cards;

(9) Not within the suspension period.

2. Practice standards and professional ethics

1. ICE8000 credit institutions shall follow the principles of independence, neutrality, objectivity, impartiality, strictness, strictness, prudence, legality and reasonableness when practicing.

2. ICE8000 credit institutions should be honest, trustworthy and diligent when practicing.

3. ICE8000 credit institutions shall protect state secrets, commercial secrets and personal privacy when practicing.

4. ICE8000 credit institutions should be honest when practicing, and it is strictly forbidden to ask for or obtain illegal and improper benefits.

5. ICE8000 credit institutions should compete fairly and not maliciously.

6. ICE8000 credit institutions are not allowed to accept business handed over by staff and agents of other ICE8000 credit institutions without authorization, and are not allowed to hire in-service staff of other ICE8000 credit institutions, natural person agents, or legal person agents, and are not allowed to cooperate with other ICE8000 credit institutions The agent signs an agency agreement.

7. ICE8000 credit institutions shall not use kickbacks and other improper means to develop business.

3. Learning and Credit Service Quality

1. ICE8000 credit institutions should actively understand, study and strive to fully understand the various standards of the ICE8000 international credit standard system, the various systems and resolutions of the World Credit Organization [WCO], strictly abide by each standard, system and resolution, and pay full attention to The following two points:

(1) ICE8000 credit institutions shall implement any new revisions of the standards of the ICE8000 system, new resolutions and new systems made by the World Credit Organization [WCO], and new revisions of the original systems and resolutions by the World Credit Organization [WCO] and compliance;

(2) ICE8000 credit institutions shall not refuse to implement relevant regulations or refuse to accept relevant industry self-discipline punishment decisions on the grounds that they are not aware of relevant regulations.

2. ICE8000 credit institutions should pay attention to internal management, create a learning and integrity atmosphere within the unit, and actively implement integrity management in light of their own reality.

3. ICE8000 credit institutions should listen to the opinions of customers and strive for excellence in service quality.

4. The ICE8000 credit agency shall promptly consult the World Credit Organization [WCO] in response to difficulties or problems encountered in the work, so as to provide customers with better services.

5. ICE8000 credit institutions shall send the "ICE8000 Credit Service Quality Supervision Card" and corresponding documents to customers, so that the World Credit Organization [WCO] can keep informed of the work quality and customer satisfaction of ICE8000 credit institutions.

6. The practice documents issued by ICE8000 credit institutions should be filed with the World Credit Organization [WCO], and the record number, verification password, and verification website should be added to the practice documents.

7. ICE8000 credit institutions and their employees and agents should actively accept the performance evaluation of the World Credit Organization [WCO], and actively and truthfully submit various materials related to the evaluation.

8. ICE8000 credit institutions have the obligation to review the legality and compliance of the practice behavior of the affiliated international credit practitioners, and have the obligation to advise on the appropriateness of the practice behavior of the affiliated international credit practitioners.

9. ICE8000 credit institutions shall promptly register with the World Credit Organization [WCO] for their diligence in practice. When registering due diligence, you should declare the terms of the oath of conscience to ensure that you abide by the principles of good faith, the bottom line of morality, and the bottom line of social responsibility for registration.

10. Customers have the right to inquire about the due diligence registration status of ICE8000 credit institutions and international credit practitioners.

4. Credit information and archival evidence

1. The credit information of the World Credit Organization [WCO] is open to all ICE8000 credit institutions.

2. In order to share credit information, the untrustworthy information and identity information discovered by ICE8000 credit institutions during their practice work shall be filed with the World Credit Organization [WCO].

3. The archival evidence materials formed by ICE8000 credit institutions in the certification business of the World Credit Organization [WCO] shall be kept and filed according to the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Archives and Data Management Standards".

V. Brand self-discipline and peer prohibition

1. ICE8000 credit institutions shall maintain the brands of "ICE8000" and "World Credit Organization [WCO]", and shall not engage in short-term behavior that damages the legitimate rights and interests of interested parties.

2. ICE8000 credit institutions shall not seek any form of registration or any other form of infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, names, font sizes, domain names, and copyrights of the World Credit Organization [WCO].

3. ICE8000 credit institutions can independently carry out all kinds of work unrelated to ICE8000 in the name of the unit, but such work must not violate the law, nor cause damage or damage to "ICE8000" and "World Credit Organization [WCO]" constitute potential damage. Before carrying out such work, it should be reported to the World Credit Organization [WCO] for approval.

ICE8000 credit institutions shall not carry out any kind of work unrelated to ICE8000 in the name of "ICE8000 International Credit Organization" or "World Credit Organization [WCO]", except those approved by World Credit Organization [WCO].

4. All kinds of contracts signed by ICE8000 Credit Institution in the name of "ICE8000 Credit Institution" or "ICE8000 International Credit Institution" or "World Credit Organization [WCO]" shall be approved and filed by the World Credit Organization [WCO] .

5. All kinds of contracts signed by ICE8000 credit institutions related to the ICE8000 international credit standard system should be filed with the World Credit Organization [WCO], but approval is not required, and the corresponding consequences should be borne by themselves.

6. Without the consent of the World Credit Organization [WCO], ICE8000 credit institutions shall not transfer credit business or transfer it in a disguised form to units or individuals that do not have the status of ICE8000 credit institutions.

7. After a credit institution loses its status as an ICE8000 credit institution due to various reasons, it is not allowed to engage in credit business that has a competitive or potential competitive relationship with the World Credit Organization [WCO] within three years, and the World Credit Organization [WCO] has the right to Compliance with the prohibition obligations of the industry is checked.

8. After a credit institution loses its status as an ICE8000 credit institution due to various reasons, it should truthfully declare its business situation to the World Credit Organization [WCO] on a quarterly basis within three years, so as to prove that it has not violated the prohibition obligations of the industry, and refuses to declare or Failing to declare truthfully or refusing to cooperate with the inspection of the World Credit Organization [WCO] on the prohibition obligation of the same industry shall be deemed as a violation of the prohibition obligation of the same industry.

6. Qualification rating

The World Credit Organization [WCO] assesses the qualification level of credit institutions based on their successful practice experience and the professional level and number of practitioners. For specific standards, please read the standards directly, the standard website:

The above content is excerpted from "Introduction to ICE8000 Credit Knowledge" (written by Fang Bangjian, free to use, but please indicate the source)