Introduction to Integrity Management Rating-World Credit Organization

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Introduction to Integrity Management Rating

Integrity management rating is an innovative credit service of the World Credit Organization (WCO). The applicable standard is: "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Integrity Management Level Evaluation and Supervision Standard" ( /165.htm), Integrity Rating is a free service provided to [established trust organizations].

1. Terminology explanation

Integrity management level refers to the degree of integrity management capabilities of units and regions.

Integrity management capabilities mainly refer to the ability to control the risk of dishonesty and the ability to maintain the principle of integrity.

2. Integrity Management Level Standards

The credit management level evaluation of the unit is divided into three parts, and the three parts are integrated in order to be the credit management level.

(1) The unit's integrity management capabilities for employees, suppliers, and agents are divided into four levels, corresponding to the following table:

The integrity management ability of the unit for employees, suppliers and agents
Basic system requirements of the unit: All employees, suppliers, and agents must become members of the World Credit Organization (WCO) and implement them effectively.
Basic system requirements of the unit: Becoming a member of the World Credit Organization (WCO) is a priority condition for becoming an employee, supplier, and agent, and it must be implemented effectively.
Although there are A or B requirements in the basic system, they are not actually implemented.
There is no requirement for membership of the World Credit Organization (WCO) for employees, suppliers, or agents.

(2) The professional ability of credit staff is divided into four levels:

Professional ability of unit credit staff
Among the credit staff, there are more than three International Credit Managers [ICM] or International Certified Credit Associates [ICCA].
In the credit staff, there are three or more International Credit Administrators [ICA], International Credit Managers [ICM] or International Certified Credit Associates [ICCA].
The credit staff includes one or two International Credit Administrators [ICA], International Credit Managers [ICM] or International Certified Credit Associates [ICCA].
None of the credit officers are licensed to practice.

(3) The importance attached by the unit to the integrity management department, also known as the ability of the integrity management department, is divided into four levels, corresponding to the following table:

The management level of the integrity management department in the unit
The Integrity Department is directly accountable to the Board of Directors (or appropriate decision-making body).
The Integrity Management Department is directly responsible to the legal representative (or equivalent).
The Integrity Management Department reports directly to the General Manager (or equivalent).
There is no independent Integrity Management Department, or there is one but at a lower level.

For units or regions with AAA credit management level, it shows that their credit management capabilities are quite high. For units and regions with other integrity management levels, readers need to make judgments against the evaluation standards when interpreting the meaning of their credit management levels.

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