Introduction to Quick Credit Evaluation-World Credit Organization

Welcome,! To prevent counterfeiting, please look for the domain name: Our mission: to promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, enhance human well-being, and promote human integrity and progress. This online media is an online media sponsored by four units including the World Credit Organization (WCO), the International Moral Court [IMC], the World Integrity Organization (WIO), and the International Credit Dispute Arbitration Commission [ICDAC]. The name of this media is the International Credit Supervision Network, which can also be called the International Credit Standard Network, the International Credit Supervision Network, and the International Credit Standard Network. The ICE8000 standard is a standard to test whether a unit or an individual is truly honest.。
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Introduction to Quick Credit Evaluation

Spread credit information and promote social integrity!

1. Definition of ICE8000 Quick Credit Evaluation Information

According to "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Fast Credit Evaluation Standard", fast credit evaluation information, including: fast complaint information, fast praise information, and fast suggestion information, refers to the form that is not required by the World Credit Organization (WCO) Credit evaluation information for review and objective fact statement, which can be perceptual knowledge and subjective comments on an organization.

2. Interpretation

(1) ICE8000 quick credit evaluation information is relative to ICE8000 formal credit evaluation information. The former does not require a fact statement, while the latter requires an objective fact statement. Formal credit evaluation information that does not meet the formal requirements will be treated as Delete invalid information. (Note: Formal credit evaluation information includes: 1. Internal complaint information; 2. Public complaint information; 3. Credit warning information; 4. Public exposure information; 5. Joint exposure information; 6. Blacklist information; 7. Honor roll information ;8. Formal praise information; 9. Formal suggestion information; 10. Internal exposure information.)

(2) Quick credit evaluation information can be factual statements, or perceptual knowledge and subjective comments.

3. Is the collection and dissemination of quick credit evaluation information by the World Credit Organization (WCO) legal?

Answer: Legal. The legal basis of "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Quick Credit Evaluation Standard" is the principle of freedom of speech and the principle of public order and good customs.

1. The constitutional principle of freedom of speech. According to this principle, anyone can abide by the principle of good faith, the bottom line of morality, and the bottom line of social responsibility, and express their real experience and views on a certain thing in a peaceful way.

2. The principle of public order and good customs in civil law. According to this principle, everyone has the right to abide by the principle of good faith, the bottom line of morality, and the bottom line of social responsibility, and safeguard public interests in peaceful ways. Publishing credit information can remind the public to guard against untrustworthy behavior or untrustworthy persons, protect people's right to know and the right to a happy life free from being deceived, and safeguard social public interests.

4. How does the World Credit Organization (WCO) prevent the risk of defamation?

Answer: The following requirements are designed in the "ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Quick Credit Evaluation Standard":

(1) The publisher of quick credit evaluation information should generally have the credit identity of [an established trust organization]. Otherwise, the quick complaint information can only be released as a netizen or customer. The quick complaint information released by netizens is top-secret information and shall not be disseminated publicly. It is only available for review by the evaluator (or its authorized unit or individual), the appraiser (or its authorized unit or individual), ICE8000 credit institutions and the World Credit Organization ;The quick complaint information released by the customer is confidential information, which is only available for review by the appraiser (or its authorized unit or individual), the appraiser (or its authorized unit or individual), and established organizations; The fast credit evaluation information is confidential information, only the title is disclosed, and the content is only for the evaluator (or its authorized unit or individual), the appraised person (or its authorized unit or individual), established trust organizations, and other confidentiality commitments units or individuals. And all reviewers should make the following commitments and guarantees, and add the terms of the oath of conscience.

(2) The World Credit Organization (WCO) determines the credibility of the source of its quick credit evaluation information according to the identity of the information issuer, and clearly indicates it. The source credibility level of the quick credit evaluation information is the same as the credibility level of the original certificate of the appraiser's credit ID card. For information whose source credibility level is contingent and relatively credible, due to the possibility of inaccurate identity of the evaluator, all parties are requested to pay full attention to the authenticity and integrity of the information.

(3) For information whose source credibility is relatively credible or credible, if the publisher violates conscience, he will be severely punished.

5. What is [established trust organization]?

ICE8000 Trust Organization, also known as ICE8000 Integrity Organization, referred to as [Credit Organization], [Integrity Organization], refers to the unit that promises to accept the supervision of the World Credit Organization (WCO) and has passed the integrity certification of the ICE8000 international credit standard system, Individuals and regions, including: Integrity Promise Star Individuals, Integrity Promise Star Units, Integrity Promise Star Regions, Integrity Hope Star Individuals, Integrity Morning Star Individuals, Integrity Bright Star Individuals, Integrity Hope Star Units, Integrity Morning Star Units, Integrity Bright Star Units , Integrity Hope Star Area, Integrity Morning Star Area, Integrity Bright Star Area. The meaning of the noun [Credit Organization] is equivalent to the membership of the World Credit Organization (WCO), and is also equivalent to the unit, individual or region that has obtained the ICE8000 credit card.

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