China Credit Report - World Credit Organization

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"China Credit Report"

Promote the development of China's credit evaluation industry\witness the development of China's credit evaluation industry\promote the development of Chinese social integrity\record the development of Chinese social integrity

Introduction to China Credit Report

"China Credit Report" is a historical document that witnesses the development of China's credit evaluation industry and the integrity of Chinese society. It is compiled by the World Credit Organization (WCO) and has been compiled annually since 2004. The purpose of the report is to promote the development of China's credit rating industry, witness the development of China's credit rating industry, promote the development of Chinese social integrity, and record the development of Chinese social integrity.

Since 2009, the main content structure of the "China Credit Report" has begun to form a relatively stable model, which generally includes: China's credit evaluation industry development report, China's provincial-level region credit ranking report, China's prefecture-level region credit rating report, China's county-level Regional integrity ranking reports, China integrity contribution unit and individual evaluation reports, and other public welfare credit evaluation reports completed in the current year.

Here, readers need to be reminded that since 2009, the public welfare credit evaluation work has been postponed for one year, so the public welfare credit evaluation reports included in the "China Credit Report" have also been retroactively traced back one year, for example: The 2009 China Credit Report includes the 2008 Public Welfare Credit Evaluation Report.

"China Credit Report" is printed in the form of a white paper. From 2004 to 2009, 300 to 500 copies of the text version were distributed to provinces, ministries, and credit institutions, and the electronic version was distributed to the whole society. Since 2010, the written version will no longer be presented as a gift, and the electronic version will be given away to the whole society. Text version subscription price: HKD 200/book.

Submission and subscription application registration period is: January 1st to February 28th each year.

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* This media has committed to abide by the ICE8000 international integrity standard system
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